Piping Plover with Reflection

by Bradford Martin
Piping Plover with Reflection
Bradford Martin
Photograph - Photography
A Piping Plover feeding at the shore. The calm shallow water reflects its image. This is a late summer bird in "winter" plumage. The photo was taken at Jetty Park in Cape Canaveral, FL in early September, when Piping Plovers are migrating.
September 6th, 2015
Comments (9)

Linda Brittain
Congratulations on your 3rd place finish in the Things On The Beach contest! Beautiful image!

Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous close up photograph of a Piping Plover feeding on a beach with great pose, light and reflections, perspective, and composition, Bradford! Congratulations on your third place finish in the Things On The Beach contest! F/L/FOLLOWING

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Bradford – your stunning scene finished third place in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group’s Things on the Beach photo contest! If you are already a group member, it will be placed on the group homepage as a special feature for the week, as well in the Contest Winners thread in the group discussion board for archive.