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Great Blue Herons at Nest Kissing Photograph by Bradford Martin

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Comments (18)

Alinna Lee

Alinna Lee

Outstanding capture! 👍

Janis Lee Colon

Janis Lee Colon


Diane Macdonald

Diane Macdonald

Perfect capturing of a moment! v/v

HH Photography

HH Photography

A terrific capture of this courting behavior. Love the Great Blues. v/fv/tw

Marvin Spates

Marvin Spates

Wow what a awesome capture Bradford!!! LF

Jane Luxton

Jane Luxton

Great timing!! L

Laurie Perry

Laurie Perry

Amazing capture! f/v

Zulfiya Stromberg

Zulfiya Stromberg

Outstanding image! v

Larry Nieland

Larry Nieland

Great clarity and timing Bradford ! Fave +V

Bradford Martin replied:

Thank you Larry. I'll see you in the field.

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Such a sweet capture Bradford, love your images!...f/v

Bradford Martin replied:

Thank you Donna!

Susan Wiedmann

Susan Wiedmann

Here in northern California, they start nest building around January-February. It can get quite cold here for short spells.

Bradford Martin

Bradford Martin

Most of the interesting behavior and mating takes place during nest building . Once the eggs are laid, the feather displays and blue flesh color are gone and the male makes infrequent visits to the nest.. In Florida nesting is mainly in the winter.

Bradford Martin

Bradford Martin

Susan, Yes the babies hang around for a long time and get big but plumage is a little different. Not far from my house but not easy to catch these interactions. This palm is in a pond so you are limited in how close you can be and the angle of viewing.

Susan Wiedmann

Susan Wiedmann

Wow, then she is really petite compared to him! I've seen baby great blue herons her size (compared to his) still in the nest. Did you go back after the babies were born?

Bradford Martin

Bradford Martin

They were building the nest. It was courtship behavior

Susan Wiedmann

Susan Wiedmann

I think the mother is feeing her baby - the babies grow very rapidly and yet still remain in the nest. Great image!

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Great Blue Herons at Nest Kissing by Bradford Martin
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